
Short Term Cources

In order to achieve the above, a Scheme of setting up human resource development centres in suitable universities in the country was initiated by the University Grants Commission (UGC/ Commission).

List Of Short Term Cources
STC-23-Research Paper Writing.pdf
STC-24-Film and Medias Studies.pdf
STC-25-Translation Studies.pdf
STC-26-E-content Development.pdf
STC-27-Research Methodology and Research Writing.pdf
STC-28-Gender Sensitization in Indian Culture.pdf
FIP-06-Excellence in Teaching Learning Process.pdf
FIP-07-E-Learning and E-Content Development.pdf
FIP-08-Design & Development of E-Content with Multi-Disciplinary Approach.pdf
FIP-09-The Fragrance of Co-Existence.pdf
STC-29 Creative Writing
STC - 30 Bharat and Bharatiyta
STC - 31 Innovative Practices in Research
STC - 32 Indian Ethos and Gender Sensitivity
